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With the aim of effecting Article 244 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the Inspections, Research and Monitoring Directorate is mandated under IPOA Act, 2011 Section 6 (c), (e) and (k) to conduct inspections of police premises, including detention facilities under the control of the National Police Service; monitor police operations affecting members of the public and make recommendations to the Service or any State organ. The Directorate is overseen by the Inspection, Research and Monitoring Committee of the Board as guided by the Authority’s Act, Strategic Plan, policy documents and manuals.
2.Inspections of Police Premises and Detention Facilities
For compliance purposes, inspections of police premises are conducted under Section 6(e) of IPOA Act, and in respect of all legal policing documents, and especially Rule 5 of the Fifth Schedule to the National Police Service Act, 2011 which requires a lock up facility to have:
  1. ) Hygienic conditions conducive for human habitation
  2. ) Adequate light, toilet and washing facilities and outdoor area
  3. ) Men and women kept separately;
  4. ) Juveniles and children kept separately from adults
  5. ) Police detainees kept separately from convicted prisoners.
Inspections of Police Premises and Detention Facilities are conducted with intention of ensuring that they meet human rights standards; and particularly Article 28; 49 and 51 of the Constitution.

Since inception up to March 2016, the Authority has conducted 457 inspection of police premises and detention facilities in 43 counties. Between January 2016 and March 2016, the Authority conducted 297 inspections focused on police detention facilities (those which hold detainees/arrested persons) and has made actionable recommendations to the Service.
3.Monitoring Police Operations

Under Section 6(c) of IPOA Act, the Authority independently monitors policing operations affecting members of the public to ensure compliance to rule of law and policing practices.

These operations include those initiated by the government, and any other day to day police operation including public order management; traffic operations; stop and search among others.

Key attention during any monitoring is compliance of police officers to policing laws, regulations, procedures, standing orders and code of conduct, towards protection of fundamental freedoms and human rights, with reduction of police misconduct. Important to note, members of public, as well as police officers, can lodge any complaints in relation to any violations of their rights.

The Directorate has monitored several police operations affecting members of the public. These operations comprised of operations initiated by the government, including Usalama Watch, the Police Constable Recruitment, Joint NPS/KDF operation in Lamu, Garissa and Tana River Counties.

4.Research on Policing Issues

Under Section 6(k) of IPOA’s Act, the Authority has a role to make recommendations to the Service or any State organ. This function can be effectively realised through research to inform the policy direction which the Service or State organ can take to inform better and quality democratic policing.

A good case in point is a research report that has been done on police housing and can be accessed from this website.

5.Partnerships and Future Projections

The Directorate works closely in cooperation with other institutions on issues of Police oversight, including other State organs in relation to services offered by them and as stated under its functions, Section 6(f) of the Act. One of the key areas of cooperation is the annual Outstanding Police Service Award (OPSA).

The Authority looks forward to strengthening its partnership with other institutions on all issues of police oversight, including other State organs in relation to services offered by them.